10. Olympic Games Should Last One Full Month and Occur Every Year on a Rotating Schedule
The Olympic Games should occur more frequently and should be more distributed throughout the seasons to allow for the inclusion of a wider range of sports. The Games should occur at intervals of 15 months and, to keep it simple, the Games should always begin on the first day of the month and continue through the last day of the month. This would mean that the Games would be held in each of eight years out of every decade. Years ending with the number one or six would be the years of the Winter Games which would be held during the entire month of February. Years ending with the number two or seven would be the years of the Spring Games which would be held during the entire month of May. Years ending with the number three or eight would be the years of the Summer Games which would be held during the entire month of August. Years ending with the number four or nine would be the Autumn Games which would be held during the entire month of November. Years ending in zero and five would be off years for the Games. Thus, though each season would have its Olympic Games at intervals of four years (as is currently the case), each session of the Olympic Games would allow much more time for a far higher number of sports to be played as well as expand the rest time for the competitors and slow down the general pace of the Games. The various sports chosen to be included in the various Olympic Game seasons should be, as close as possible, the natural sports that climax during that season. For example, skiing is a natural sport to be played in winter. Track and field is normally played during the summer. Gymnastics could be played during the spring (since competitors practice indoors during the cool of winter). Shooting and equestrian competitions could take place during the Autumn Olympic Games.