18. Research Paper Regulations
To further enable the dissemination of research information to all members of society, it is imperative that the costs of access be lowered. These high costs are often manifested in two ways: the first being a high economic cost but the second being a high cost due to the relatively high quantity of ‘noise’, meaning research that is substandard or not accurate or reliable enough to be classified as authentic research. Such works pollute the total pool of research and makes it harder to identify and build upon true previous research results, and overall significantly decreases both the economic and temporal efficiency of further research.
Predatory publishers of scientific research papers need to be eliminated to ensure that more accurate, higher quality information is circulating throughout the scientific and research communities. Low quality research papers should also be eliminated to the best degree possible from being published in legitimate scientific journals. These goals can be helped by requiring more transparency of who is on the journal boards and who actually reviews each scientific paper submitted.
Editor and Reviewer Names Made Public
Perhaps the most useful single requirement to impose on each journal and published research paper in circulation would be to mandate that the the names and contact information of the editors of every journal be made public and published with the journal and that the names and contact information of the researchers and reviewers of every paper also be made public and also published with the paper.
Every Journal or Paper Connected to a Name
In addition, there should be a publicly accessible database, organized by either the journal’s name or editor’s name, that lists every past and current journal with which that editor worked, including the active dates. Similarly, there should also be a publicly accessible database organized by each research paper reviewer’s name that also lists all papers that have ever been reviewed by that researcher.
Research Paper Publication Funding Model
Every academic and research institution, including community colleges (and even perhaps high schools), and public libraries, industries, foundations, and even the public users (who are not associated with any of the previously mentioned entities) should be required to contribute to a fund that supports the lower cost access to a very large and wide-ranging number of journals from all over the world as described in this report. The ultimate costs to these entities would be far lower than the costs would otherwise be using conventional funding structures.