2 Responses to “34. Voluntary Sterilization of Drug Addicts, Criminals and Other High Risk People”

  • Johanna: March 7, 2018 at 12:48 pm

    This is not a bad idea, although a bit controversial. Taking the population growth into account, a good idea would be to prevent “bad” people from becoming parents to innocent babies. But dont you think there is a big risk to misuse this policy? Rules are getting misused everyday and sterilization is a permanent operation in a humans life. It would require a real strong protection system to make sure the decision is 100% voluntary.

  • Policy Proposals Moderator: March 10, 2018 at 10:16 pm

    True, almost anything taken to an undesirable extreme would be bad. However, the core idea, as intended, would be positive. Measures need to be taken to prevent such a policy as this from evolving into something bad. Yes, human beings are responsible for implementation and enforcement, so there is always a tendency for corruption. Nevertheless, it is possible to institute effective checks and balances into the implementation that would allow there to be enough self-correction away from abuses, that such a policy could be fairly implemented.

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