5. Military Pollution and Cleanup Guidelines

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US military facilities and operations on both domestic and foreign lands anywhere in the world should be required to comply with all environmental laws that everybody else in the US private sector must obey. During wartime, any environmental regulations could be weakened if the military could prove that they would significantly inhibit the effectiveness of the military objectives. The only major exception to the compliance of environmental regulations during peacetime should be in the area of atmospheric emissions due to the inherent performance reduction effects that air pollution control equipment would have on aircraft and other mobile powerplants. However, fixed powerplants must abide by the normal air emission standards.

The US military should make every reasonable effort to abide by any more stringent environmental protection standards set by the jurisdictions in which they operate, either in other countries or within the various states of the United States, unless those regulations are unreasonable or significantly threaten military performance or readiness.

The United States should also be responsible for the cleanup of any intentional or accidental pollution at any of its facilities or sites of operation. Such cleanup operations should return the site, at a minimum, to within acceptable environmental standards as specified in domestic US environmental law or the law of the jurisdition in which it is operating, whichever is more stringent.

The United States should not hide behind protections offered by any statute of limitations rules or current ownership or property title disputed in order to avoid the responsibility of cleaning up any environmental messes for which it was clearly responsible at any time in the past.

The US military should not be obligated to cleanup any unintended pollution caused as a result of direct or indirect offensive or defensive military actions, but should attempt to make a good faith effort to minimize such environmental disruptions and rectify them if the costs are insignificant or minor.

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