61. Educational Prioritization, Elimination & Goals
A general priority list for what primary and secondary educational curriculums are expected to emphasize and when, should be as follows:
- Pre-school / K – Control over body tendencies, functions and mental control (concentration and focus), peaceful interaction with others, cleaning up after oneself
- Elementary/Middle/High – Communication skills (writing, speaking, writing, body language, etc.)
- Elementary – Personal/Environmental care (health, personal hygiene, sanitary living, food handling, etc.)
- Middle – History/Math
- Middle/High – History/Science/Math
- High – History/Science/Abstract Math
Naturally there will be very large amounts of overlap. With the exception of abstract math, each of the subjects listed here would actually be taught throughout all level of education. However, the emphasis during each stage of a student’s education should be as stated above.
One of the goals of primary education should be the instilment into every student, at the end of their primary education career, a basic understanding of the kind of work is involved within virtually every type of job as well as every field of study. At the very least, students should be able to describe, in functional detail, what practically all major professions do.
Students who have successfully finished secondary school should be well-rounded in all subjects and qualified to join the labor force without further education. They should be sufficiently informed and civilized members of society.
Elimination of Unnecessary Classes
Some classes currently required as high school graduation requirements should be dropped from such requirement lists, unless the student chooses to embark on an educational career path that do require such classes. Among the classes that should be dropped include calculus, trigonometry, any classes beyond any college level introduction to any specific scientific field of study like chemistry, geography, etc. The elimination of these classes would free up lots of time to either substitute more relevant classes or reduce the length of the standard educational career through high school (which I would redefine to include the first two years of college).