7. Distinct Nested Entities Treated as One for Tax Purposes (Revenue, Market-Share, Profit Taxes)

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Corporations, companies and other business entities as well as their wholly-owned subsidiaries or portions thereof should be treated as single entities for purposes of tax law. A corporation, company or other business entity which has acquired, merged with, or otherwise controls one or more other corporations, companies or business entities, should be treated as one entity referred to by the name of the top controlling economic entity within which all these other entities are nested. Revenue taxes, market share taxes and profit taxes would all be based on the combined revenues, combined market shares (within each market category), and combined profits of all of these distinct nested businesses.

If a daughter company is owned only partly by a parent company, say 60%, then only 60% of this particular daughter company’s revenue, market share figures, and profit should be added to the parent company’s figures to determine the parent company’s tax obligations. Conversely, the daughter company would only have to pay these same kinds of taxes based on only the 40% of its own company which it owns.

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