10. Greater Restriction for Immigrants Capable of Reproduction

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Older Immigrants

Migration to the US should be harder for children and for people with the capability for biological reproduction. One way of achieving this goal would be to allow only immigrants who are no longer able to reproduce through natural means to qualify more easily for permanent residency. This would apply to post menopausal women, men who have had permanent vasectomies, or any individual who has otherwise become sterilized. Such immigrants would also need to promise to not seek to bear children through any other means.

Younger Immigrants

Potential immigrants of child-bearing age (or younger) would face higher standards than potential immigrants without reproductive abilities. For example, potential immigrants of child-bearing age would be required to meet higher English language fluency standards, provide more in-demand job skills, be healthier, and/or perhaps meet other standards. Immigrants who are capable of bearing children, but who promise not to, should be placed higher within this category’s admittance list.

Penalties for Violating Promise to Not Reproduce

Immigrant parents who violate their promise to not bear children would be fined $5,000 for each child plus an additional fine of $10 per day from the time of the child’s birth until the child reaches 20 years of age, or until the child leaves the country, whichever comes first. The daily $10 penalty could be avoided entirely by moving the child or promising to move the child to another country within 5 years of the birth. If the promise is not kept, this daily $10 fee would be charged retroactively and doubled as a penalty. In addition, the regular $10 fee would continue to accrue until the child leaves the country or until the child reaches 20 years of age. Once out of the country, an application for the child to immigrate back into the country could be filed and the normal immigration procedures would need to be followed. The child will not be forced out of the country. After the child reaches the age of 20 and has remained in the country, all fines having been paid, no further penalties would be assessed. The child’s provisional legal status (or provisional citizenship) in effect since birth would be changed to permanent legal status or citizenship.

Any immigrant who had promised not to bear children may choose to adopt children without facing any of these financial penalties.

An immigrant filtration system such as this would help reduce many of the larger, more permanent, social evolutionary forces that often cause many societal problems.

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