2. Non-Wage Compensation
No Work, No Pay
No business or company should be required to provide its workers with anything other than direct wage or salary (financial) compensation for work performed. Any type of insurance (health, unemployment, etc.) for the worker (with or without including his family) or any other benefits should not be required by law. In addition, employees should pay 100% of the payroll tax without employers paying half or any other portion of it. Pension benefits should also not be required to be offered to employees. People should save up for retirement during their working years. The savings gained by not offering benefits such as these should, instead, be reflected with higher wages, enough to compensate for their loss.
The same should apply for military employees. They should get wages (that when averaged out over their service years) are roughly equivalent to what past and current military service members are estimated to have earned (both direct wages and benefits throughout their life). This way, when service members retire from the service, they are able to invest their earning themselves to provide for their future needs, including health insurance needs.
See this link from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for an idea of how much compensation is tied up in benefits (roughly 1/3).