47. Only Legal & Safe Products & Services Sold, Unless Noted
All brand new products should, at the point of sale, meet all the necessary requirements for legal and safe use. If for any reason a product fails to meet any of these requirements, the seller should be required to inform the buyer, in writing, exactly what needs to be done in order to bring the product into compliance with all relevant legal and safety regulations. The buyer must then sign a form acknowledging that he has been informed of these requirements.
Governments should not restrict the sales of any product or service, apart from imposing the common taxes associated with such products or sales. For example, no level of government should restrict the physical location of auto dealerships or the geographic areas in which they could sell, nor should they prohibit direct automaker-to-consumer sales. Any auto-maker or any auto reseller (dealerships) should be allowed to sell to whoever and wherever they want.
Services, such as medical advice, should be allowed to be distributed from anyone to anyone, conditioned upon full disclosure of either the qualifications of the person giving the advice (i.e., whether they are accredited by some reputable organization) or whether the advice itself has been approved.
The default government position should be to allow all products or services to be sold, unless there is a compelling reason to restrict it. Full disclosure requirements could be required, but banning certain products or services should be reserved to things which pose an unambiguous threat to the safety or well-being of people.