4. Transportation Route Layout and Nomenclature

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Mass transportation routes should run only along the same street for its entire length. The streets they run on should be preferably of the same name throughout the length of the route, but if that is not possible, they should either end where the street changes its name, or the name of the street should be changed. If neither of these options are possible or desirable, the route should continue on throughout the length of the new street as well, but only if that new street is a logical continuation of the previous street. That route would then need to be given the name of those two streets. There should not be any major turns or sharp breaks in the bus route that may not be perceived as logical for an average member of the public, with no access to a map, to follow. The idea is to make routes generally straight, logical, run longer distances, and not zigzag within relatively small geographical areas.

Mass transportation vehicles operating such routes should be given, not so much a number identification, but rather the names of the streets upon which they operate. In addition, instead of these vehicles merely stating their destination city or location, they should include a north, south, east, or west directional label right next to the name of the bus so that potential passengers, especially those with no knowledge of the area, would know, unmistakably, in which direction the bus is heading. Possible directional color coding could also be used.

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