60. Criminals Paying for Their Crimes

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Criminals must begin paying the government immediately since the government paid the victims immediately. Governments are the entities that should bear the responsibility for searching for, bringing to justice, and billing the responsible criminals. Criminals would be liable to pay the government all direct costs (namely, restitution), indirect costs (which include investigative, court, detention expenses, etc.), and the punitive multiples (the actual penalty component of this punishment) at an interest rate equal to the rate of inflation.

The major assets of suspects should not be allowed to be sold, given away, or otherwise transferred out of their ownership until a verdict of innocence is declared. This is to prevent the preemptive shuffling away of assets in order to avoid having them confiscated to pay criminal expenses.

Juveniles convicted of crimes should generally be punished in the same way as adults. Their penalties (at least the financial penalties) should not be lower just because they are juveniles and they would be required to be paid under the same terms as required of adult financial penalties. Parents (as would absolutely anybody in society be able to do for absolutely any criminal) could pay or help pay off these penalties to avoid the need to pay accruing interest, but that would be up to the juvenile to decide how and when to pay.

Perhaps juvenile jail sentences could be moderated compared to adult sentences for equivalent crimes. Parents should obviously be charged with a crime (i.e. being as accessory to the crime, reckless negligence, etc.) when there is evidence to prove that parents knew or should have known that their child was about to commit a crime and did not do enough to try and prevent it (namely, notify authorities).

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