2015 August

2015 August 1

Pacific Rim Free Trade Talks Fail To Seal Deal

The biggest hurdle now appears to be related to patent protections. The whole patent protection system should be streamlined by just allowing everybody to immediately begin producing patent protected products, but according to the pay schedule laid out here.

2015 August 2

Enclaves swapped in landmark India-Bangladesh border deal

It is always good when maps are streamlined.

2015 August 3

California town may sit in huge wildfire’s sights

Firefighting is very expensive and property owners need to take greater precautions and bare a greater share of the economic costs of fighting these fires. When they do, I will guarantee that the predominant method of fighting fires that threaten structures will change because property owners would use passive measures like clearing brush rather than active measures like aircraft which cost up to $70,000 per day.

2015 August 4

Suspect surrenders two days after fatal shooting of Memphis officer

This criminal should also pay for every searcher’s time spent looking for him.

2015 August 5

State Department reportedly went easy on key countries in trafficking report

Political corruption is very hard to eliminate, but it is harder to eliminate when negotiators work face-to-face. The State department personnel likely found it hard to stand up to the raw data about trafficking while negotiating. Naturally, a strong preference for the fundamental values of these trade deals undoubtedly also had a very strong influence in trying to minimize the negative repercussions of a bad trafficking report for these countries. But the best way to negotiate is through writing back and forth, without direct human contact. Human emotions can be a very frustrating element that can derail well-laid plans.

2015 August 6

James Holmes Trial: Jury Keeps Death Penalty as Option in Theater Massacre

There is no doubt that James Holmes actually committed these murders, so there should be no doubt about whether to give him the death penalty-he should. Before he is given the death penalty, he should work to pay all the victims their entire amount due. He could also be used as a human test platform for various tests.

2015 August 7

Russia hacks Pentagon computers: NBC, citing sources

The internet needs to be structured in such a way to be able to identify the people who originate such attacks. The penalties should be very severe.

2015 August 8

North Korea attempts to erase legacy of Japanese rule – by creating new time zone

The North Korean government is obviously doing weird stuff like this for internal propaganda. It cannot be possible for people with normal brains to think that the outside world will fall for North Korea’s complaining. It does have nuclear weapons, so we must pay attention. That’s why we need an effective international military organization that has the authority to deal with stuff like this.

2015 August 9

Japan remembers Nagasaki atomic bomb, 70 years on

The best thing to do is to prevent the possibility of international wars from starting up again. Only an international military organization with teeth is capable of that.

2015 August 10

Video shows Texas student at car dealership before officer fatally shot him

Everybody should agree that this criminal acted stupidly. Sure, the police should not have shot him, but it should be clear that this criminal only has himself to blame for putting himself at risk.

2015 August 11

Google shares soar after it creates a new parent company, Alphabet

Companies could organize themselves however they want. They could buy whoever they want, team up with whoever they want, or whatever. So long as the tax lows are written correctly, the larger the companies are, the higher the tax rates would be. Properly designed tax laws would enable the government to effectively control the stability of private enterprise without any other forms of direct interventions. That is how the free markets are supposed to work.

2015 August 12

Japan Restarts Sendai Nuclear Reactor Four Years After Fukushima Meltdown

These reactors are not designed to be safe under conditions of catastrophic destruction of the reactor core. There are reactor designs that do assure an acceptable level of security during catastrophic events. Therefore, these reactors should all be phased out as soon as practical.  We are just asking for future disaster, especially given the threat of terrorism.

2015 August 13

Tianjin explosion: Dozens dead, areas of Chinese port city devastated

The United States could help minimize the chances of these disastrous occurrences by imposing ‘corrective’ import taxes on things that China exports to us in order to ensure that the cost to the final consumer is at around true market value, and does not reflect an artificially lower price due to shortcuts taken during production.

2015 August 14

Chelsea Manning May Face Indefinite Solitary Confinement For Expired Toothpaste

The harsh treatment of Chelsea Manning is far beyond her crimes. Learning that 80,000 people are held in solitary confinement on any given day illustrated the degree to which US prisons are not conducive to rehabilitation.

2015 August 15

ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Sexually Abused American Hostage Kayla Mueller, Officials Say

Knowing what we know about human behavior, it is not surprising that men under stressful battlefield situations, fulled by a religion that gives pre-pubescent girls to soldiers, or non-Islamic women to solders, it is not surprising that so many women are treated so poorly. The just punishment for these offenders would be, at the very least, castration and even penis removal. Depending on the degree and quantity of sexual violations, death would also be an option.https://policyproposals.com/56-sex-offenders/

2015 August 16

Shinzo Abe asserts Japan cannot apologize for World War II forever

Wrong. Japan should apologize for WWII forever.  Time will not reverse the inherent fault of the Japanese for starting the war.  Now, paying reparations or other forms of physical demands from the Japanese people should not go on forever.

2015 August 17

Obama Administration Warns Beijing About Covert Agents Operating in U.S.

The US could punish China for violating the human rights of any person, especially people who have been convinced by the Chinese to return home, by imposing import tariffs on any or all of the various imported goods from China. Of course, one dissident being tortured would perhaps only factor in to a tariff increase of 0.00001% increase in the tariff (depending on the severity of the case), but since so many people are treated unfairly in China, this would sum up to a significant figure.


2015 August 18

2015 August 19

Housing starts near eight-year high, but permits fall

It’s amazing that so many housing units are being built. That has a huge negative environmental impact. Housing units are growing larger and fewer people, on average, are living in these units. How can we house more people in a more environmentally sensitive way?

2015 August 20

Former student says faculty knew about sex tradition

If the staff knew about this ‘tradition’, they should all be punished severely. The older students should be punished, but the severity of the punishments should not come anywhere near what true, forced rape would require.  These appear to be largely consensual encounters with information suggesting that the younger participants knew the nature of the encounter. But nevertheless, it is reasonable to conclude that the younger students were tricked into sexual intercourse.

2015 August 21

July Hottest Ever Recorded

The climate may be warming, and it may be largely due to human causes, but natural climatic variations may cause a reversal or at least a period of stability, in the near future. Regardless, spending trillions to stop and reverse the emission of greenhouse gasses is not the right approach. The right approach is to first ensure that the producers of all goods and services area actually forced to internalized all externalities associated with the production of goods and services. Then, taxes should largely be raises on active economic activities to reduce demand.

2015 August 22

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader handed sixth life prison sentence: judicial sources

This person would never be able to pay off his debts for his crimes, but it would be nice to see him try. At least he should be forced to work for the remainder of his life, then he should be executed.

2015 August 23


How much has global warming worsened California’s drought? Now we have a number

The best way to deal with the reduced water supply is to raise prices. That is the fairest way to distribute water.

2015 August 24

ISIS reported to have blown up ancient temple in Palmyra

The ignorance of human populations is staggering.  That is why it is very important to dedicate limited funds to scientific fields like archaeology and paleontology because humans are destroying information that will forever be lost.

2015 August 25

How safe are U.S. trains from potential attacks?

Lots of infrastructures are easy target because it is impossible (really impractical) to secure such things. One of the only things we could do is to install video cameras everywhere.

2015 August 26

SEC Loses Bid to Revive Conflict Minerals Disclosure Rule

This ruling is absurd. Using the rationale that a company does not need to disclose whether it included ‘conflict minerals’ because then it would require it to confess that it is guilty of using these minerals is like saying that a company should not have to say whether they use forced labor because it would violate that companies Constitutional rights.

2015 August 27

Virginia TV journalists killed by suspect with ‘powder keg’ of anger

Annual screening for mental health as a standard practice might help reduce the incidence of these crimes.

2015 August 28

South Sudan president Salva Kiir reluctantly signs peace deal

An international military organization is the only proper authority that should enforce peace across international boundaries.

2015 August 29

James Holmes Gets 12 Life Sentences in Aurora Shootings

Anything beyond a life sentence should just be called a death sentence. Nevertheless, he should be given a financial bill for the entire cost of his crimes, victim/family compensation for medical expenses including pain and suffering, investigative costs, court costs, housing in jail, etc. Plus a punitive multiple of 2 of 3.

2015 August 30

This is a waste of time and money as is any effort to send a human to Mars. Not that it cannot be done, but because it should not be done. The diversion of resources for this goal is a waste of resources orders of magnitude larger than the space shuttle program. Probably one good thing we could learn is how to get along with each other better, since they are in confined spaces for so long.

2015 August 31

Report: Saudi-Led Forces Used U.S.-Made Cluster Munitions in Yemen

As a rule no country should sell military munitions to other countries (but we need an effective international military organizations to ensure the peace in order for that to be the case). But beyond that, the US should not have sold these types of munitions that were banned for our own use. Of course, they will be used somewhere, and when they are, it will make us look bad and it will still be hard to clear the areas where they were used, thus leading to residual civilian casualties.