2015 September
2015 September 1
Blue Bell Ice Cream Returns to Some Stores 4 Months After Listeria Outbreak
The company should pay for all medical costs for all confirmed cases and death benefits of some sort to the families of the dead victims. Companies should all have insurance for situations such as these.
2015 September 2
Frazier Glenn Cross found guilty of murder in Jewish center shootings
The death penalty should definitely be applied in this case because there is absolutely no doubt that he did commit these murders.
2015 September 3
Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities
The widespread availability of guns. gang turf warfare, alcohol, the lack of love and caring among the public, etc. The number of variable that need to be properly controlled for crime to drop are numerous.
2015 September 4
China shows off rising power in marking WWII defeat of Japan
The 300,000 troop reduction in China is truly astounding, even though that amounts to only 15% of its total troop numbers. One way to encourage continued troop reduction is to back off from constant surveillance flights close to Chinese airspace. Just imagine what constant Chinese surveillance aircraft just off of our shores would do to our desire to reduce our military strength. We could gather the sufficient information in peacetime through more remote methods, as well as just opening up several channels of normal communications with various Chinese elements in and out of government.
2015 September 5
Get Ready For A Spectacular Sight On September 5 – These Multiple Moons Will Blow Your Mind
It is truly amazing how may people are ignorant enough to actually believe this stuff.
2015 September 6
Clintons personally paid State Department staffer to maintain server
These email arrangements do seem a little fishy, but they do not appear to be as bad as people make them out to be. Yes, it would be nice to see if these emails contain information shedding light of whether policy was illegally affected, but there are other, more visible, though naturally harder ways to find that out.
2015 September 7
The Latest: Austria to resume border limits on migrants
The big emotional push to accept large numbers of Muslim refugees does have very real short term benefits to the receiving countries, and especially to the immigrants. However, with large numbers of refugees comes the large scale problems inherent in all multi racial societies where minorities constitute a significant share of the population–racial friction. Governments should have the right to discriminate refugees based on whatever criteria they choose. Ultimately, it is imperative for the world (acting, ideally, through a capable international military organization) to act to reduce and eliminate the primary causes motivating the movement of such people.
2015 September 8
Whole Foods Fires Security Firm After Armed Guard Allegedy Beats Customer
Even private security guards should probably be required to wear body cameras so that instances like this could be documents and all this talk about whether the use of force was or was not justified could be determined much more quickly.
2015 September 9
Pay varies widely for Washington state teachers
Teacher pay in Seattle is not that low, so using pay as part of the complaint should be considered invalid.
2015 September 10
How Japan’s devastating rainstorm came about
The best way to deal with climate change is to engineer our environment to withstand the new frequency of different weather. Trying to fix the problem by eliminating CO2 from the air is both impractical and way too costly. It is far cheaper to deal with the problem than eliminate CO2 from the air.
2015 September 11
2015 September 12
Republican Todd Courser Resigns After Affair With Cindy Gamrat
It’s too bad that affairs have broken up so many planned lives. It is the emotional and social repercussions that cause most of the damage rather than the affairs themselves.
2015 September 13
Egyptian forces mistake Mexicans for militants, kill 12 in air raid
Of course, the proper compensation by Egypt would be full payment of all expenses related to this mistake as well as insurance payouts to the families to compensate for lost future earnings. Perhaps a little more money than the sum of all these costs should also be given for good measure.
2015 September 14
Laser strikes hit record high
Unfortunately, when high technology permeates down to the common people, a significant minority of them are bound to misuse it and cause problems that require new rules to be applied to all users, leading to greater regulation, limitations, and frustrations. These minority of users are irresponsible and naturally need to be punished, but the urge is there to punish them a little extra because of their stupidity. But, of course, civilized people must restrain that urge. Perhaps the appropriate response to these laser crimes that reached the pilot’s notice should be around $5,000 to $10,000. An event that temporarily blinded a pilot should be somewhere around $20,000 to $50,000.
2015 September 15
Fractured Europe blocks unified response to refugee crisis
It is only when people actually need to live next to refugees of a different culture that they realize that, indeed, it is more difficult than what they had theoretically imagined. It’s unfortunate that people generally are not smart enough to think about this ahead of time. We need an international military organization that can actually have the best chance of preventing problems that cause large scale migrations,
2015 September 16
Donald Trump promises better care for veterans but few specifics
Naturally, the specifics are scarce, but the way veterans should be treated is by giving them a relatively high rate of wages during their time of service and then perhaps be required to spend at least some minimum portion of that pay to put into an personal account that guarantees that such funds will be used for health care expenses into the future.
2015 September 17
FAA controllers reveal flaw that could cause collisions
The individual airlines and other users of the FAA regulatory infrastructures should be required to pay, in aggregate, for the entire cost of this agency as well as for all costs associated with the airline industry. There should be no subsidies to the airline industry or infrastructures from any outside entity .
2015 September 18
Pushing the Limits: Traveling at near-supersonic speeds
This seems like a good idea, but any new long distance transportation system should be as environmentally benign as possible. The best way to achieve this benign goal is to build the system underground. It would be expensive, but that is the cost of transportation. I would prefer an above ground system, such as on a monorail so that the visual impact would be minimal and the ground foot print would also be minimal. I suppose that these tubes could be mounted above ground to reduce construction costs and make it much easier to maintain and service. Perhaps they would design these tubes with windows so that passengers could look out and view the passing landscape. I wonder if it would pass by too fast to be enjoyable, though.
2015 September 19
Handcuffed for Making Clock, Ahmed Mohamed, 14, Wins Time With Obama
This student should be compensated, at the very least, at the minimum wage rate for the amount of time that he was in custody, for the confiscation of his device and for ‘pain and suffering’ which would include the nationwide humiliation,
2015 September 20
2015 September 21
Ben Carson: Muslim Unfit to Be President Because Islam Is Inconsistent With Constitution
That may be true. A muslim who believes that it is his duty to essentially force a conversion of non-believers to Islam would not be fit to be president, not just of the United States, but of any country anywhere. Absolutely nobody has the right to force anybody else to believe in any religious doctrine.
2015 September 22
2015 September 23
L.A. council proposes spending $100 million on homelessness crisis
Homelessness is a problem with a variety of cause, meaning that a variety of solutions need to be adopted to address these various causes. Most homeless people are single people and to address this population, there should be a series of small individual-sized shelter build into nooks and crannies within the urban environment.
2015 September 24
OPM says 5.6 million fingerprints stolen in cyberattack, five times as many as previously thought
These criminals need to be punished severely, not just because of the scale of this crime (which probably would by itself justify the death penalty, but because of the trust it has caused to be lost among throughout the population.
2015 September 25
Pope Francis urges compassion in historic address to Congress
It always tugged at the heart strings to call for compassion for a group of people who seem to be targeted for punishment. But a simple review of the evidence dictates that people who come here illegally from other countries need to understand that they are here illegally and subject to expulsion at any time. Whenever the time comes, instead of complaining, they should thank the Immigration services for allowing them to stay for so long.
2015 September 26
2015 September 27
People need to understand that following a religious command to visit an object at least once in a lifetime is a form of idol worship. It’s amazing how drawing of the prophet Mohammad cannot be drawn by anyone because of the potential idol worship that it may entail, while the required to go physically to an inanimate object specifically to worship there is acceptable.
2015 September 28
U.S. economy grew at 3.9 percent rate in spring quarter
Any significant growth or contraction of an economy over a few years above or below the normal population growth rate and/or a representative index of a basket of goods and services, indicates a fault of the underlying principals governing the economy. Most of the problems can be traced to the legal practice of fractional reserve banking.
2015 September 29
Shell ends arctic offshore drilling in Alaska
2015 September 30
Spain: Tough talks loom for Catalonia pro-secession parties aiming to ally for Spain breakaway
It’s about time that the break-away seeking region showed strong support in the polls. This area has its own language, culture and distinct history which clearly qualifies it for its own separate independent country.